Monday 17 October 2011

New and Improved Technology

New and improved technology

There are many new and emerging technologies happening throughout the years and this involves upgraded printers and computers, new and improved games consoles and also 3d TV’s etc.

Effects on graphics

Over the years since the early 1900's graphics have started to evolve along side the evolving of technology.  Graphics have has a major effect on technology, without the creation of graphics we would still be using radios for entertainment in the 21st century.  Graphics have a great part in history in that they've needed graphics to put life into a television create the first ever GUI for a computer system.  But graphics have evolved a lot since then and not a lot of people realise this.  Graphics have went from blurry and fuzzy black and white images on a computer screen to fuzzy coloured images on a television screen involved in playing video games, but they have been able to develop graphics further.  Graphics have had a great effect on printers over the years.  they started printing pictures out with pixiles missing and difficult to see, but with the technology we have in the 21st century they have greatly improved the graphics on the images people print in that they are clearer than the images on the computer no matter how well they have them adjusted. 

For example Printers, over the years the common printer was designed mainly for printing things out from your home computer, it was a simple attachment, you plugged it into your computer using a USB cord and that was it.  The printer is upgrading more and more over the years in that a lot has changed with it.  When printers came out all they done was print one page at a time in black and white but now they have photocopiers and scanners built in to them and they also have games saved in that you are able to print out with a press of a button like Sudoku or maze.  Even the more modern printers are able to connect wirelessly to a computer or laptop so if you are in another room from the printer you don’t have to go to it just to print something out you can print from were you are and pick it up later.  Also the printer name has changed along with the picture that is printed out, the name went from ink jet to laser jet.  The laser jet printers have more advanced colouring and when a picture is printed it, the graphic of it is sharper.

Games consoles:  Games consoles have improved dramatically from the all time kid’s favourites like the Nintendo 64, Sega mega drive, and also the play station 1.  When consoles like these first came out they had games coming out with little men that looked like someone had drawn them i.e. stick people.  A lot of the graphics in most games for the Nintendo 64 and play station 1 etc tended to be blurry and pixilated and also had controllers that were connected to the console itself.  Over the years these consoles have been improving for example the Sega mega drive is now the multi Sega mega drive and now has improved graphics in that they are not blurry anymore you can now see sonic running up the hill.  Also the play station has been upgraded through the years to the play station 2, although the controllers are still connected with a cord the graphics have increased and are not so much pixilated the colour is still a bit low but it’s playable, however they have now come out with a play station 3 these are a lot better in that they have increased the graphical image of the games dramatically through high definition and also the colour  is sharpened and brighter and also has wireless controllers and it able to connect to the internet.  With the consoles the graphics have improved dramatically from when they first came out, the graphics in consoles being shown on a television or what most people called them in those days squared boxes tended to be at times blurry and fuzzy and difficult to see, in some cases it was because of the lack of signal etc throught the scart leads or any leads used to connect consoles to T.V's.  Over the years these graphics have improved a lot, the picture has became less blurry and fuzzy and they have developed the picture to be sharper but by the time this was developed they brought out HD this was known as High Definition which improved the gaming dramatically the picture to a lot of people was life like, it was no longer fuzzy, it was far more sharper and to most while playing action or racing games it felt like they were inside the game playing it.  Developers have also found a way to make the games 3D so that you don't have to make it seem like your are in the game its already done for you.

3D TV’s with free view: When televisions were first invented they were a big box with a small antenna and black and white images but throughout the years they have improved so much in that they invented colour.  They have made the TV’s slimmer and different sizes, and the picture has increased and is not so much fuzzy its sharper, but it doesn’t stop at that though the television set/T.V has developed so much over the years that they now have televisions with high definition graphics also known as HD, they also now have plasma/flat screen T.V’s with built in DVD players and also free view as well.  As the years progressed they developed new things, it started out that they had 3D movies in the cinema and to watch them you needed special 3D glasses but it developed further than that, they created 3D T.V’s again you need the glasses to watch them, but they thought that they would bring the 3D from the big screen to the small screen to be able to enjoy 3D T.V programs and movies at home with the family.  Over the years the graphics in television have changed dramstically, whithin a short period of time the graphics have went from two dimensional images to three dimensional, this has improved the colour, the quality of the picture, it has made the picture sharper and less fuzzy etc.

Computers: When computers first came out, they were used mainly for programming things nothing else they weren’t even a product that people could buy, but that all changed over oncoming year’s, computers were developing gradually throughout the 1900’s they changed dramatically, they started to develop processors and RAM and loads of different components that a computer needed to be able to do various things.  It was not until 1979 when the first processor was invented but by then everyone wanted a computer.  In 1981 Microsoft created the first operating system for a computer and in 1983 Apple created the very first GUI (graphical user interface)but it wasn’t until 1984 that Apple created the first affordable home computer with a built in GUI and by 1985 the friendly was between Microsoft and Apple began.  Computers started to improve more and more after the start of the war, by this I mean computer started to become more faster and have better graphics and also a lot more memory.  Computers even had digital games programmed in so that your kids are able to play them.  But the 21st century was big change for everyone including computers more and more people were buying them, they started to develop faster processors and also improved applications like Microsoft windows 2003, that was the early years of the computer in the 21st century they now have computers with thinner screens and higher resolution and brighter colour.  Also they have USB ports and a CD/DVD drives so you can watch movies on your computer and also improved graphics cards so you can play games that have 3D people in it and not 2D and they have also developed Microsoft Office 2007/2010.  The gaphics in computers have went from black and white and slightly fuzzy to colour, high definition, sharper picture etc and this has happened within the last 20 years.  With the new graphics in computers it increases the picture quality when people upload them from their cameras or mobile phones, or download them from the internet.  The colour is improved, the picture is sharper and it shows so much detail in the picture that most of the time wouldn't been seen when printed out.

  Apple Macintosh 1984

Dell Optiplex

Tuesday 11 October 2011

2 Types of software used for maniplulating digital images

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe photoshop is an image editing software developed and manufactured by adobe systems.  The photoshop software allows users to manipulate, crop, resize, and correct colour in any digital image.  Photoshop software is used by all types of audiences from photographers to web site designers.

The basic tools used in photoshop are:

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M)

This tool is used to make selections on your image, in a rectangle shape.  It is used to change the area in which your image is affected by other tools or actions to be within the defined shape.

Move Tool (V)

You use this tool mostly to move things.  It is used to move a layer around after it has just been placed.

Magic Wand Tool (W)

Yous use the magic wand to select a colour rang.  It will select a colour or transparency based on the area in which you click.

Crop Tool (C)

The crop tool is similar to the Rectangle Marquee Tool, it crops your image to the size of the box, any information or any areas that was outside of the box is now gone, but you are still able to undo your actions and retrieve it again.

Slice Tool (K)

This tool is mostly for the creation of websites, or splitting one image into smaller images when saving out.

The disadvantage of photoshop is that it is cost effective and it is difficult to learn how to use, for people who are just starting off you would need a manual or a guidance tutorial to explain all the different tools.  Photoshop has a lot of different tools and each with diffeent functions, so for a beginner user or someone who has used it before may need patience and may take time teaching themselves how to use them correctly.  Photoshop is also a big application, so therefore it can take up a lot of memory on your computer.

Sumo Paint

Sumo paint is a free online image editor which was created in 2007.  Sumo paint is similar to Adobe Photoshop in that it has similar tools to edit and re shape/resize a digital image.  Sumo paint is used more for illustrating images.  For example you are able to attach a glow or colourful background to an image or give it a reflection and a different shape.

The different tools used in sumo paint are:

Brush Tool

The brush tool overall is the most important tool in sumo paint.  It is preselected everytime the user launches sumo paint.

Symmetry Tool

With the symmetry tool and its multiple properties, you are able to create very different symmetrical creations.  You can experiment with the symmetry points, gravity and modes to get the exact result you want.

Eraser Tool

Eraser Tool is the anti-brush, it removes any mistake made or can be used to improve on the design of your image, it is also able to be adjusted to any size.

Ink Tool

The ink tool is used mainly for creating realistic ink impressions.  You are able to adjust the ink wetness with mode value slider.  The ink mode can be applied to te brush, ink, pen, symmetry and also all of the shape tools.

Blur/Smudge Tool

This tools has a variety of brushes and a possibility to use the following blending modes: normal, lighten and darken.  The finger paint mode paints with selected colour but also creates the effect.

The disadvantage of using sumo paint is that you have to search through various number of tabs to be able to find the exact tool you are looking for.  A lot of the names used for the tabs are terms that a lot of people may find difficult to understand.

The difference between Adobe photoshop and Sumo paint

The difference between Adobe photoshop and Sumo paint is that photoshop is a software that is used to correct the colour, red eye or even the shape of a photo.  Whereas sumo paint is slightly different, yes it is able to do almost all the same things as Adobe photo shop  only difference is that sumo paint is an illustration software, it is used in all the same ways as photoshop but it is also used to edit a image further, for example reshaping and adding a glow and different layers and also changing the colour sequence in an image.  Also photoshop is designed to have all the different tools along side the picture so that you do not have to go searching for them, whereas sumo paint has the tools in different tabs and may be difficult to find the right one.

Monday 10 October 2011

2 Types of hardware used for manipulating digital images

Digital Camera

A digital camera is a hand held device that is used for capturing images and uploading them to a desktop computer or a laptop via a USB cord.  It can also be used to capture videos.  With a digital camera you are able to view the images that have been captured with a built in screen on the back of the camera itself, this allows you to be able to view the images taken and if you don't like them or if you feel they need to be taken again you are able to delete the images from you're camera giving you extra room to take more pictures.  The majority of cameras now a days have been modified to be able to record videos of anything including sound as well as capture still digital pictures. 

Digital cameras tend to run out of battery life quicker than any mobile device, so you always have to carry around extra batteries, but this is different if the camera has a built in battery pack and needs electricity to charge because if you are out and about and the battery runs low there is no were to be able to charge it.

Another limitation for the digital camera is that the majority of them only support a certain brand or model of memory cards and that generally tends to be the SanDisk SD card or it could be other models as long as the model is SD or micro SD.  This can sometimes be a problem because the memory cards used in digital cameras tend to be slightly overpriced.

iPhone (model 3-6)

The iPhone is a hand held mobile phone device that is used to make phone calls, text message, upload music files to a computer and also take digital pictures and upload them through a USB cord.  The first iPhone was only able to take still digital pictures as they were, they were not able to zoom in or out of a picture to capture the right size.  Over the years there have been newer and newer versions of the iPhone being released, the newer versions however are not different from the others apart from the camera the camera has been modified were it is able to zoom in and out of pictures and is also now able to record videos and save them onto the phone as well as still being able to upload onto a computer.


Difference between a Digital Camera and a iPhone

The difference between a Digital Camera and any of the iPhone models is that the digital camera is able to capture images and edit them on the camera i.e. fix red eye and they are also able to focus themselves in to capture a picture without it being fuzzy whereas the iPhone is unable to do this, it is only able to zoom in and out of pictures and is not able to focus in on an images.  When taking an images with the iPhone you have to have a steady hand if you take a picture with the iPhone and it turns out fuzzy you have to delete that image and do it again whereas the digital camera you don't.  This can mean that the software built into the iPhone is limited compared to a hand held Digital Camera.

The iphone is set up in a way that any user is unable to set there own ringtone as what they want it to be as whereas most phones do.  It started off that the apple iphone was unable to record videos on it and also was unable to zoom in and out with the camera and this tended to be a big problem for people because when they took a picture it showed the outside surrounding as well and this was wither or not you wanted it to do it.  Also when you moved in with the phone to sort of zoom in with the camera itself zooming in it tended to make the picture slightly blurring at times.

Monday 3 October 2011

Performance of a Computer System

Hard Drive

 The hard disk drive is a storage device within the computer that connects to the motherboard. 
The faster a hard disk is the faster the data will load in a computer and not only will the data load faster but it will somewhat make your computer faster.  The hard drive doesn’t affect much of the performance of your computer simply because it is only a storage data device and is only there to hold your files and software.

Graphics Card/Video Card
A graphics card or a video card is an expansion card which generates output images to display.  A graphics card improves the quality of the image or the quality of the gaming graphics.
A graphics card has no big affect on a computers performance, the only affect it has is after a few months your computer will start to get a bit slow and the graphics wouldn’t be just as good this is because a graphics card needs to be updated after a while.


 A processor is also known as a central processing unit.  It is a part of the computer that carries out the computers instructions of a computer system.
The processor on affects the performance of documents and pictures etc it does not affect the performance of games.


RAM is also known as Random Access Memory, the RAM is a type of memory storage for a computer. it takes the form of integrated circuits that allow stored data to be accessed in any order with a worst case performance of constant time.
If you are using up a lot of virtual memory because you do not have enough RAM in your computer to run programs properly it can affect the speed.

Output Media In Graphic design


Definition – A printer is an output device that is used to print text or images from a computer onto a plain sheet of paper.
How this device is used to manipulate a digital graphic – For digital graphics you need a top of the range printer that is able to print out any image from the computer.  A printer like the Epson or the Canon printers are perfect for printing out high quality images.

Computer Monitor

Definition – A monitor is a visual display unit for computers.  A computer monitor is used to display an image.
 How this device is used to manipulate a digital graphic – For digital images you need a computer monitor that has a super high resolution screen.

Mobile Phone

Definition – A mobile phone is a handheld device that is used to make phone calls or send text messages to people. The signal is connected through a satellite.
How this device is used to manipulate a digital graphic – A picture can be taken with the built in camera on a phone or it can be uploaded from a computer or laptop and saved in a folder in the phone.


Definition – A PDA or a personal Digital Assistant is a handheld computer that is used to manage contacts, appointments and tasks etc.  It also comes with a built in calendar.  
How this device is used to manipulate a digital graphic – A PDA is able to store pictures onto it almost like a mobile phone.


Definition – A plotter is another printing device that is connected to the computer and is used for printing vector images. 
How this device is used to manipulate a digital graphic – A plotter is used to print out digital images that have been edited and re coloured etc.


Hardware components to create and manipulate Digital Graphics

There are various hardware components that can be used to create and manipulate digital graphics.  I will now describe these components:


DefinitionA mouse is a component that is connected to the computer through a USB.  The mouse is used as a pointing device on the computer and functions by a person’s hand.
How a mouse is used to manipulate a digital graphic The mouse can change any aspect of any image simply by the user clicking on either the right or left button and clicking on a colour or an icon in which to change an image’s size or shape etc.


Definition A screen/monitor is another external component of the computer and is used as a visual device which means it is used to see the things that are being done on a computer.
How you use a computer monitor to manipulate a digital graphic With the computer monitor you are able to see what changes are being made to the image, and also how to make those changes.
Without the computer monitor you are unable to see if the changes that are being made are the right changes or not.

Graphics Tablet

DefinitionA graphics tablet is a device that is used as a drawing device for the computer.  This means people can draw on the tablet and it will appear on the computer in front of you. With this device they are able to change any aspect of an image and they can also sign their signature at the bottom.
How a graphics tablet is used to manipulate a digital graphic A graphics tablet can be used to change different aspects of any image on a computer, it can also be used to erase even the tiniest piece of mistake made on an image.  Graphic Tablets are also used to change colour and re paint a picture and make many other changes.

Digital Camera

Definition A digital camera is a hand held device, it is used to take pictures of almost anything and is also built in a way that it can record videos of everything around you.  Digital cameras also have automatic flash built in so that it can make a picture clearer.
How you use a digital camera to manipulate a digital graphic A digital camera is plugged into the computer using a USB adapter and from there any pictures that have been taken using the camera and are saved on the device can be uploaded to the computer and saved in a folder and from there you are able to make changes to any pictures e.g. Changing the colour, shape and fixing red eye etc. 


Definition A scanner or an image scanner is a component that is plugged into the computer through an adapter.  It is used to scan hard back photographs and upload them to the computer which turns them into a digital image.
How an image scanner is used to manipulate a digital graphic An image scanner is used to upload images to the computer and from there you can make any changes to them.

Flash Card

Definition A flash card is a miniature storage device that uses a flash memory chip to store data.  Flash cards come in all sizes and the memory can range from 8mb to a high capacity of gigabytes.
How a flash card is used to manipulate a digital graphic – A flash card is used as extra memory or storage in a computer or a digital object i.e. Digital camera’s.

USB Storage

Definition - USB storage device is a device that is used to store data of all types from a computer.
How USB storage device is used to manipulate a digital graphic - USB devices are plugged into the computer and files are stored onto it and then it is removed from the computer.   A USB device is also used to transfer videos, pictures and files etc from one computer to the other.



 Firewire is a high-speed interface for connecting peripherals.  Firewire was originally   created by Apple computer in the mid 1990's.  Firewire is a cable that can be used to connect various devices such as Digital camera's, MP3 players, Hard Drives, Audio interfaces and also the Apple Ipod to a standard computer.
How Firewire is used to manipulate a digital graphic

 Firewire is a high-speed cable which is used to connect various devices to the computer, this includes the standard digital camera or video camera.  The cable is used to transfer the images from the digital camera to the computer in high-speed.